Cover Reveal 

She’s Writing From 1812.

He’s Recieving Her Letters In 1810.

        One letter, intended for the solicitor who arranged the lease, unexpectedly draws a shocking reply from Mr Fitzwilliam Darcy.

        Stunned by Mr Darcy’s accusations and confused by his claim that it is 1810 and that he owns the Lake House, which he has never leased in his lifetime, Elizabeth responds with sharp, cutting words. As their correspondence continues, it becomes clear that neither has lost their senses; instead, they find themselves caught in a connection that transcends time.

       As love blooms, Darcy and Elizabeth resolve to meet, but they soon realise that appearances can be deceiving.


Darcy & Elizabeth’s

timeless love story

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Here’s what I’ve been reading…

incase you’re looking for something in the mean time.

A highly entaining look at a not so sought after Mr Darcy.  Amazon

A sweet and chraming look at Darcy’s parents haunting their reunion.  Amazon

Darcy & Elizabeth at Rosings with a Vampire Georgiana. Phenomenal Narrator.  Amazon

Absoulutely entralling. I finished it in one sitting and can’t wait for the next.  Amazon